Falls & Balance Training

We hate to admit it, but how does the old saying go, 'If you don't use it, you lose it'?

This is especially true when related to balance and fall’s prevention. Our brains are incredible for learning and retraining neural pathways -  (the communication between the body and the brain). However, the speed at which we can learn can also be the speed at which we deteriorate unless we take an active role in regularly developing and accessing these pathways.

Falls are most prevalent in our beloved older population and even more common in those who live sedentary lifestyles. Reduced access to the community and social interaction plays a huge role in the brain's ageing process. The less we challenge our motor functions and balance centres in the brain by participating in these activities, the more likely we lose high-level functional skills and pose the risk of falling.

The Australian Insititute of health and welfare reports; Falls are Australia’s number one cause of injury hospitalisation and death, representing 42% of injury hospitalisations and 40% of injury deaths. Highlight just how the shocking implications falling in our older ppulation can have.

Infinity Rehab understands the importance of keeping your independence and strength in your later years. We know that falling and the deterioration of physical function can leave you feeling very vulnerable and weak; however, this does not need to be the case. Allow our therapist's wealth of knowledge and understanding to keep you fighting fit at any age or level of capability.


Musculoskeletal Rehab


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